Manually Installing a Build

Manually installing a build
- Tools you will need:
Newer versions of ES File Explorer do not unzip files.
- How to Install
1. Your best to start with a fresh install of Kodi or a Fork, you can download the 1AMC fork or WBMC from our Download Page. Once installed, run the Fork or Kodi and allow permission for your device to access the Fork or Kodi.
2. Now download the One Alliance zip file to your device.
3. Open ES File Explorer and turn on “Show Hidden Files.”
4. Using ES File Explorer locate your .Kodi folder…
On an Android Devices, Boxes, Fire TV and Firestick the address for the .Kodi folder will be…
Internal Storage / Android / Data / OneAlliance or Wonderbox or Kodi /
On an Windows Devices the address for the .Kodi folder will be…
C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\userdata (the drive letter C:\ depends on your PC setup)
On a Mac Devices the address for the .Kodi folder will be…
5. Delete the contents of the .Kodi folder
6. Now copy all the extracted files that you unzipped earlier in to the .Kodi folder.Paragraph
7. Close down all apps, reboot and open 1AMC, WBMC or Kodi, let the build populate and if necessary change the Skin to Aeon Silva, to do this select SYSTEM then INTERFACE and edit the SKIN option.
ps. Don’t forget to let your build boot up, populate and update the add-ons before you start to use it.